Saturday, 25 August 2012

Maternity: have a good mutual health

Motherhood and, before her pregnancy period, confer certain rights guaranteed by health insurance. The insured are supported at 100% for consultations, care, medication and monitoring, since they declared their pregnancy with their health insurance fund before the end of 3rd month. Once the registration is successful, it sends the mother a personalized calendar medical examinations supported and dates of maternity leave for one that works. She also receives a practical guide to help throughout her pregnancy on her rights, the steps related to the birth of a child and the health boards. Optimal coverage appears adequate. Pregnancy and motherhood may then lead to additional costs that health insurance will not support: higher fees, additional consultations, hospital to name the most common. Having a health insurance which gives a prominent place in the maternity is essential to supplement the basic coverage.

Health Insurance reimburses 100% (based on conventional rates in sector 1) on 8 mandatory visits, drugs from the 5th month of pregnancy (except blue stickers), ultrasound mandatory 4 months (and partially first 2), the BCA and blood, preparation for childbirth on the basis of 8 sessions with a midwife or doctor, childbirth itself in a hospital or clinic and rehabilitation conventioned post native on the basis of 10 sessions after prior agreement of the union. We may add that the amniocentesis AM 100% refund for any woman over 38 years or if a family history of genetic and chromosomal abnormalities.
Everything that goes beyond this framework is not supported by Social Security. The excess fees are common among gynecologists, obstetricians or anesthesiologists, and the rates of a particular room can severely encumber budget (up to 150 € per day). Amniocentesis, exit the framework defined above, is not supported by the DA, not to mention that this type of review often leads to very costly excess fees.
Membership in a mutual health dedicated overcomes the shortcomings of the general system. Warranties vary from a mutual to another. Many now offer a baby bonus as a lump sum which can go up to 300 €, but that does not include higher fees or costs associated with comfort in the hospital or clinic. Attention to certain mutual differentiating the maternity hospital, and may decide not to support it, motherhood is seen as a specialized institution. Finally, it is important to choose a mutual no waiting period to receive reimbursement at the earliest

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